Poignant, insightful, and unexpectedly funny, Leslie Sanchez delivers speeches that resonate deeply, inspiring audiences with her compelling journey and sharp observations. From selling encyclopedias door-to-door to advising the President of the United States, Leslie’s story is a testament to perseverance, ambition, and the ever-evolving American spirit. Drawing from her upcoming book The Good Heart Effect and the groundbreaking insights of The Resurgence of Los Republicanos 2.0, Leslie offers a forward-looking perspective on America’s dynamic transformation, sparking thought-provoking conversations about leadership, opportunity, and the future of our nation.

Her speeches not only uncover the trends transforming America today but also provide a glimpse into what’s next, igniting audiences with a blend of humor, heart, and hard-hitting truths. With Leslie, it’s not just about understanding where we’ve been—it’s about charting the future.



Leslie believes the most effective presentations are tailored to deliver targeted data-driven consumer insights for brands, educators, media entities, companies, advocates and campaigns.

To book an appearance, please email: speaking@lesliesanchez.com